3 Myths About EdTech Management

Words like “management system”, “automation”, and “workflows” can be intimidating and often perceived as costly. Instead of learning and adapting to these concepts and technologies, it can be easier to avoid the risk and give in to self-doubt and myths often associated with adopting anything new. A technology management system…

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Simplify the Technology Approval Process [3 Steps]

The act of approving and acquiring new technologies in K-12 school districts today is a convoluted mess of forms, emails, and broken or ignored processes. Admittedly, a “process” is, unfortunately, non-existent in many. Most of this burden has fallen into the hands of the Technology Director since the technology team…

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Are K-12 Students Returning to a Learning Mindset?

Our previous blog post, Learning Loss Recovery Tops K-12 Priorities for 2021-2022 School Year, discussed the learning loss that educators are facing due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  It is difficult to determine the exact amount of learning loss and in what areas, but educators are confident it exists.  In addition to…

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Learning Loss Recovery Tops K-12 Priorities for 2021-2022 School Year  

Our previous blog post, K-12 Priorities in the Era of a Pandemic, highlights the research Veracity conducted in the fall of 2021 to learn educator challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The research overwhelming (nearly three quarters) showed learning-loss recovery and social-emotional needs as the top priority educators are desperately…

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K-12 Priorities in the Era of a Pandemic  

At Veracity, we have been studying the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on K-12 school and district purchasing decisions – specifically educational technologies designed to improve students’ academic achievement. It is important to understand how – and if – these decisions are being prioritized among a multitude of competing, and…

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9 Considerations Before Purchasing EdTech

Researching, evaluating, and purchasing the right educational technologies can be a daunting and exhaustive process for school districts – with curriculum and technology leaders carrying the weight of the burden. Selecting software solutions that drive accountability, student outcomes, and teacher success while ensuring data security, compliance, and integration with current…

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