Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Data Privacy in Education

This post is from guest blogger Amber Lindsay, President & CEO of iKeepSafe. iKeepSafe is a trusted partner of Veracity Verification Solutions.    This past year presented an array of unique challenges and opportunities, when over 40 million K12 students moved to some form of distance learning and more than 30…

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Top 3 EdTech Purchasing Challenges for Every School District

The EdTech Landscape: A sea of offerings  Assessing instructional needs, discovering products in the market, and evaluating these products for best fit have been recognized by organizations such as Digital Promise as top challenges within school districts for many years. Among these challenges, educators must navigate a sea of EdTech offerings -…

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Overcoming Online Review Fatigue and Differentiating EdTech

As marketers, we spend countless hours tending to customer advocacy initiatives to build our products’ reputation through peer reviews, testimonials, case studies, etc. Today’s buyers can quickly and easily gather information independently via digital channels, meaning our sales teams have fewer opportunities to influence customer decisions and our reputation tactics are more important than ever. In fact, according to Gartner “…when B2B buyers are considering…

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An Unbiased Approach to Assist in EdTech Software Purchases  

The following post is written by guest blogger Jim Yurasits, Director of Testing, Data, and School Improvement at Orange County Public Schools (VA).   I have been working in public education for 34 years as both a teacher and an educational administrator. During that time, I have had to decide which software to…

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An Everchanging EdTech Landscape Meets Unbiased Product Verification

The quest to identify, evaluate, and select the appropriate education technology solutions to meet district needs is a daunting one, to say the least. Many resources are invested, and unfortunately, purchases made do not always produce the desired results. Like any other technology investment, buyers expect value realization and often…

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